What is the CAA?
The CAA is a coalition of companies and professionals working in the carbon foot-printing industry. Founded in 2022, Andrew Griffiths (Director of Policy & Partnerships at PlanetMark) and Emilien Hoet (Managing Director UK at ClimatePartner) identified the lack of a recognised industry association to share knowledge, problem solve and enable a more unified, formalised approach to carbon foot-printing – an ethos of “collaboration over competition”.
The CAA holds regular general meetings to update members on
happenings in the carbon foot-printing space, while facilitating conversations and networking between it’s members, who stem from 100s of companies across dozens of countries. They also enable working groups which focus on specific areas of need in the industry, with the long term intention of creating frameworks and guidance which can become standardised.
Sustainable Film and Roots
Sustainable Film offer consultancy to suppliers to the film
and TV industry, including GHG measurements with our bespoke foot-printing tool Roots. We enable businesses to understand their carbon impact and make a structured plan to reduce it, with the ultimate aim of supporting the film and TV industry as a whole to reach Net Zero.
By joining the CAA, we hope to develop our understanding of the
carbon foot-printing landscape, while bringing the knowledge and experience of our unique industry to discussions.
If you would like to find out more about Roots, visit the webpage or contact us in the header above.