Expert panel at Focus: Go Green and Grow Your Business

Discover the real challenges and obstacles of sustainability in the film industry with exclusive insights from leading industry panel.

This session will announce the results of Sustainable Film’s Green Supplier Network Survey, revealing the challenges that our supply chain faces when trying to be environmentally friendly.

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Survey Supply Chain

Make your voice heard in the industry supply chain

Sustainable Film wants to hear from suppliers! Take our survey to help us understand your needs and make our services more sustainable. We’ll ask about your challenges, incentives, regulations, and support. This valuable data will be shared with industry bodies to raise awareness and address environmental needs. Let’s work together towards a greener future for film and television production. Join us now!

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How can we utilise the natural world?

Many of the films we love could not exist without the influence of the natural world. From lovable cartoon animals to epic sprawling landscapes, clearly film is impacted by the environment. But how is the environment impacted by film? 

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